Custom Arbitrum Governance Dashboard
A functional web app to monitor governance and empower delegates to make more effective decisions, whilst enhancing data collection from the LTIP.
👉 Problem with the current system
Like many other DAOs Arbitrum’s governance operates on Discourse, the open-source Internet forum system. While it’s highly encouraged that the members of the foundation are engaged with governance, the discourse forums are often convoluted and challenging for people to engage.
This is enhanced during programmes such as LTIP, where the volume of information being communicated across the governance forums is vast and can be overwhelming. Additionally Discord does not collect data on the context of the forum content, and therefore provides very little insight for the teams operating on them.
⚒️ What are we trying to build
Within the LTIP programme the DAO is offering compensation for to oversee the processes around the LTIP, as well as review the proposals. We think a simple yet functional dashboard could be introduced with more advanced features and a cleaner look. This would be specifically designed with the Pilots in mind, but also could extend to become a simple way for people across the DAO to gain a summary of the submissions from the LTIP.
The backend will also make it feasible to monitor fundamental metrics via a singular, unified source, simplifying the process of gathering and analysing essential data efficiently and accurately. This is made possible due to the standardised template that is to be utilised within the LTIP programme, reducing the complexity of any AI to be used to scrape this information.
This data can be utilised to communicate general statistics about the programme and it’s perform in real time, that in turn can be utilised within communications about the LTIP during and after.
📣 Elegant technology and effective communications
Whilst providing an experience that enables Pilots to be more effective, the pragmatic aspects of a backend that effectively enables real-time analytics means these data points can be communicated across the Arbitrum ecosystem and beyond. Alongside the design and build of this dashboard, we will run a programme of activity that supports overall communication across the LTIP process.
In practice this would look like: